・Decolonize Futuresとは / About our project

「Decolonize Futures —複数形の未来を脱植民地化する」は、日本/東アジアにおける植民地主義の根深さ・脱植民地化の必要性についての議論を行い、複数形の未来の可能性を作るためのZINEプロジェクト。

“Decolonize Futures” is a ZINE project to open up the discussion of the deep history of colonialism and the need of decolonization in Japan and East Asia for the possibilities of plural futures.

We criticize the historical violence and ongoing colonialism in the society from perspectives including culture, politics, history, and academics. By doing so, we aim to create a discursive space for decolonization in Japan.

・植民地主義を解体するために / Dismantling Colonialism


Colonialism has permeated our society through culture and norms, and we, as individuals, have internalized it. However, it is taboo-ed to talk about colonialism in Japan, and there are not many chances where we can know and discuss the connection between contemporary problems in the society and colonialism.


When digging into the root of inequalities and injustice in the society, there is a layer of colonialism deep beneath. Through the independent ZINE, we are going to introduce the ongoing work on colonialism and decolonial studies in the world while unknotting the unique history of colonialism in Japan and East Asia.