Vol. 2『脱植民地化と環境危機 | Decolonization and the Environmental Crisis』
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【English below】
Decolonize Futures Vol. 2「脱植民地化と環境危機」は、環境危機の根底にある植民地主義を批判し、オルタナティブな未来の可能性を研究する方々とのインタビューを収録した一冊となっています。
・Vol. 2『脱植民地化と環境危機』
2023 was the hottest year on record. It is no longer surprising to see the worsening situation of climate change. The environmental crisis extends beyond climate change. Human activities have caused the extinction of many species with an unprecedented speed, which is now called “sixth mass extinction.”
Behind the history of the environmental crisis, there are culture, politics, and economy that have justified and progressed the environmental destruction. Through colonialism, people and the nature in the colonized countries and regions are turned into an exploitable “thing” or “resource,” and such discourse justified the historical destruction of the ecosystem worldwide.
In Decolonize Futures Vol. 2 “Decolonization and the Environmental Crisis,” we organized interviews with scholars who criticize the colonialism lying beneath the environmental crisis and explore the possibility of alternative futures.
With Yoshihiro Nakano (Rikkyo University) and Eiko Honda (Aarhus University), we will deep dive into the topics including the history of the decolonization movements, the alternative futures through degrowth perspective, and the importance of pluralizing the narratives of history.
Vol. 2 “Decolonization and the Environmental Crisis” is out now for preorder!
・Vol. 2 “Decolonization and the Environmental Crisis”
・96 pages
・1650 yen (Tax included) Limited copies
・Shipment: We will ship domestic orders after March 10.
¥1,650 税込